2007年10月29日 星期一
The last 3 day of Octorber
Today is 10/29. The last three day of Octorber 2007 .It's autunm and the weather is more and more cold .Altought it very hot in the noon these days , but when the sun is down , the cold wind like goest . It will follow people who is outside!But X'mas is coming soon , so I think I could bear with the bad weather for my Christmas box!is 10/29 . The last three day of Octorber 2007 .It's autunm and the weather is more and more cold .Altought it very hot in the noon these days , but when the sun is down , the cold wind like goest . It will follow people who is outside!But X'mas is coming soon , so I think I could bear with the bad weather for my Christmas box!
2007年10月15日 星期一
A man that I am

Everyone can make of lots of people in life,but although you have many friend,The most person we do not know of a man should be ourselves.
So,today I want to try that introduce myslfe for you.
The man who had called Nile.he is a 20 year old man.and now he is Chinese Air Force Academy second grade student. He like to read novels;lisent music,Avril Lavigne especially.He have a sister,he live with his grandparents.Do you know this guy yet?It's me!
The man who had called Nile.he is a 20 year old man.and now he is Chinese Air Force Academy second grade student. He like to read novels;lisent music,Avril Lavigne especially.He have a sister,he live with his grandparents.Do you know this guy yet?It's me!
2007年10月8日 星期一
The Halloween
This week we read a atom whichd is ebate on the origination of Halloween .This day is one of the holiday the chilren loved .they will dressed like ghost and solicit candy around the area near their house .Even though they may be terrific ,but it's really fun!!
文章 (Atom)